Heart Resonance Energy (HR) & Distance Healing

A deep sense of relaxation, calmness and peace, is often experienced from a Heart Resonance (HR) Session. Many physical, mental, emotional and spiritual symptoms can transform to a state of wellness. The recipient can experience a shift in their awareness and perception of life. With this comes detachment from their day-to-day stresses.

As the client’s energies are transformed, their life is filled with Love and compassion. Change and healing on any or all levels is possible with the Pure Divine Love Energy, of Heart Resonance. 

HR is a powerful, yet so gentle, healing modality that shifts disharmony within the body to a state of health and well-being.

HR is an advanced healing tool for Spiritual Transformation. This Divine Love Energy can expand the recipient to higher levels of Consciousness and Love, supporting the client to move with Grace along their Spiritual path.

Heart Resonance was developed by Trevor Gollagher, a Spiritual Intuitive, over a 15 year period drawing from his 30 years experience with healing and channeled information from above. 

A Heart Resonance practitioner is able to connect to and resonate powerful Divine unconditional Love Energy, and in doing so transform dis-ease through a process called Entrainment. The HR practitioner can instigate powerful and positive shifts, clearing emotional stagnation and residues that burden the mind, body and Spirit. Working with the energy bodies or chakras, and the different systems within the body to help re-balance & re-align the whole body and BEing, and therefore can transform existing disharmonies and release blockages.

During a session, the client rests on a massage table, fully clothed with an optional blanket covering. The practitioner enters into meditation and connects with the client energetically. There is no hands-on contact, however the practitioner may at times, use hands over the body and/or walk or move around the client. (If that’s not preferred, the practitioner can remain seated away from the client). Contact is made only to gesture that the session is complete.

Many people all over the world have experienced its positive impact and power in their lives.

The Heart Resonance frequency has been grounded at this time to assist with the evolutionary shift, ascension and liberation of humanity that is currently taking place on this magnificent planet Earth…and beyond.


Heart Resonance Sessions - $111

Distance HR Sessions available!

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